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Christmas Cheer

Journal Mighty-Troll's Journal: Mighty-Troll takes a dump 1

After a night of heavy drinking at the bars and various houses, Mighty-Troll woke up feeling very wierd.

"It wasn't the hangover - I know what that is, but I had this strange feeling in my abdomen."

Mighty-Troll is refering to what would soon be the first shit he has ever taken.

"I just ran for the toilet, and instictively had to just, sit down on it. At first it was a horrible, nasty feeling."
Mighty-Troll was talking about the sensation of sitting on the base of the toilet - the seat was left up. MT not having any experience with toilets did not know to put the seat down first and had the unfortunate experience of sitting on piss and pubic hairs and who knows what else.

"Fuck! Man that was disgusting dude! Before I could do anything else I had this weird sensation pass through me as this pile of brown stuff that really smelled alot and had what appeared to be peanuts in it. I don't remember eating peanuts last night."

The pile of brown stuff that smelled really bad was what we all know of as feces. The waste our body expunges from the system from time to time. It is said that most humans do it once daily - some that weigh over 300lbs. may do it as many as 3 times daily.

There is no known reason why Mighty-Troll had never taken a shit before, but he is in good spirits.

"Wow that was kinda fun man. Next time I'll remember to put the seat down, and thanks to a good tip from my roomate I know what toilet paper really is for now and I'll use some of that next time."

It is rumoured that Mighty-Troll thought toilet paper was there originally for people such as the slashdot editors who frequently circle-jerk, up to 3 times a day.
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Mighty-Troll takes a dump

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