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Journal SlashChick's Journal: More IM hilarity! (This time it's about me!) 5

Here is some more fun stuff from an AIM convo I had late tonight:

[03:50] Me: Being a perfectionist drives me nuts a lot of the time, because everything that isn't perfect is like an itch
[03:51] Me: Just the urge to improve... constantly improve
[03:51] Me: It's called "making your client buy new computers and printers"
[03:52] DJStarchBoi: ROFL
[03:52] Me: And "driving your other friends nuts with TiVo sales pitches" :P
[03:52] Me: I realize that I can be obnoxious about it
[03:53] Me: I usually get the *sigh* look, like "Oh there goes Erica trying to sell me something again"
[03:53] Me: And then I am like, okay, it's time to stop :)

[03:54] Me: Right now it's my roommate and a digital camera
[03:54] Me: I am like "Get a digital camera"
[03:54] Me: And he's like "You bum, YOU get a digital camera"
[03:54] Me: And I am like "No, I don't have any money... so you get one"
[03:54] Me: And so on :)
[03:55] Me: He has two jobs! I am like "Whatever, you can afford a digital camera!"
[03:55] Me: And he's like "Shut UP" :P
[03:55] DJStarchBoi: ROFL
[03:55] Me: And then I stop and file it away for another day... hehehe
[03:55] DJStarchBoi: and then you open the file, page through it, and find the vulnerable spot
[03:55] Me: Yep!!!
[03:56] Me: Like "You know how you said you wanted to go to that autocross this weekend? Wouldn't it be great if you HAD A DIGITAL CAMERA so you could take pictures there?"
[03:56] DJStarchBoi: HAH
[03:56] Me: And he is like "Shut UP!!!"
[03:56] Me: He will get one eventually ;)

I am a sadist. But it's all good. Because he will get a digital camera. And eventually everyone I know will have a TiVo, too. Hehehe... ;)

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More IM hilarity! (This time it's about me!)

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