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Journal Dave2 Wickham's Journal: Fun holiday! 4

Right... Last thursday I went tubing down the Delaware [NJ/PA border]; I'm on holiday in the States, BTW. I felt myself getting slightly burned. Please note that A) I am a complete and utter idiot, and didn't put any sunblock on; B) It was very hot that day, and C) I'm English, so don't really get too much sun.

On Friday my legs were really painful. When I got round to getting ready for bed (which was after watching Graham Norton - it's censored over here :/ - so 1AM) I saw two huge great blisters on my legs. According to my dad, they were the size of tennis balls.

Saturday, I go to the doctors and they tell me it's 2nd degree burns. They also pop the blisters, give me a tetanus shot, and charge us $200 (oh what fun commercial health care is; thank fsck for insurance). The rest of the day is spent with my feet up (literally). The same thing happened yesterday and today. This is very boring.

Today the nurse said she'd never seen sunburns like it in her 18 years of work...

Tomorrow I'm going to a burn specialist, and I'll see what he says...

Oh well, at least we got 5 days (out of 2 weeks) of our holiday :/.

Oh, and the subject? Well, my legs feel a bit like cooked meat ;).

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Fun holiday!

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  • Sorry, but I just had to say that... :-)
  • Being a proud Pennsylvanian, I can say with utter confidence** that you spent most of your tubing on the Jersey side of the Delaware River. See, we in Pennsylvania have enacted certain shield to protect us from the toxic waste in Jersey. hell Most of us speak of Jersey like Slashdot speaks of SCO, Micsoroft, MPAA, AND the RIAA combined. Most likely the burns were not sunburns, but reactions to chemical waste, that, if left untreated, will turn you into a 3-eyed fish named Blinky.

    Besides, never trust a s
    • Hehehe...

      Today at the burn specialist they basically rubbed off the blisters, and I do feel much better... Just a damn shame I can't swim in the pool :/.

      Oh, and it'll be 5 years before I can legally buy beer over here :'( (2 years in England :)
  • You've earned the title of "The Duke of Bacon".

    Hope the rest of your American experience is less eventful.

    I guess you can be thankful that you weren't in Florida.

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