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Journal whig's Journal: Essence of Evil 2

Do you know what strikes me as the most evil thing that the state does? It charges people for clean water! That's like charging for breathable air!

For God's sake, setup a voluntary water purification system, tithe it and support it.

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Essence of Evil

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  • Maybe I've just read The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress too many times, or then again, maybe it's knowing the billions of dollars my local government *spends* to keep that water clean and available, But somehow that actually doesn't bother me.

    Of course, here water is basically plentiful and they only charge through our taxes rather then a unit charge (for residents at least).

    Somehow, to me ensuring a fresh water supply is about as legitimate a function of government as I can think of, and I'm enough of a liber
    • I don't know where you live, but here in Pittsburgh, the water is charged by the amount you use.

      Part of what makes this difficult is that you do not need the same purity of water to bathe or shower as you do to drink or cook with.

      The water which is piped into homes is treated with so many chemicals, including chlorine and fluoride which are so unnecessary and unhealthy to be consuming on a regular basis. This is why I distill my water for drinking.

      Still, there is no way that a person can obtain a source

I program, therefore I am.
