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GameCube (Games)

Journal Rudy Rodarte's Journal: Right around the corner

Big Brother 4
Ok, I'll admit it. I love the big brother series. I've watched this show since the first one in 2000 with Britney and chicken George. I can't wait to see how they handle the "Ex-Factor" Actually, I had that idea back during Big Brother 2. Would it have helped me end up on the show? Probably not, but hey I thought of it and now they are using it. I probably will not pay for the streams this season for 2 reasons. Since the Big Brother people have always used real player and the folks at Real never program a proxy configuration in their SW, I can't check on things at work. And, I have dial-up at home, so I really don't want to pay for slow, grainy video feeds. So, it looks like just the plain TV show for me. But, I will participate in the fantasy leauge, so that should be interesting.
No more house
So, since there is a strong possibility that we will not be staying in this area, we told the house people that we couldn't purchase a house at this time. They understood, as I'm sure they deal with this stuff all the time, and put the house back on the market. And, we got the earnest money back. However, my wife made out the original check, but the house people sent a check out to me, not her, so thats cool. I tell her that money is mine all mine. Ya, that didn't go very far.
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait...
Well, its been over a month since I went and took a test for a perspective employer. Now, they said they would get the results in about a month. 2 at the longest. It has been a month and a week, but nothing so far. I know I can call and ask for the results, but I work with customers all day. Sometimes I know that a call will do nothing but waste someone else's time. Not to mention my own. So, I'll wait. Its not too bad though. If things were to move quicker, I'd still be out of shape by the time I got there. I need to get down to like 170-175 before anything else. I reached 179 right before my wedding, but I've gone up since then. I've started my own comprehensive program to get me into shape. There is no way I am ready for it today, so thankfully, I have time to get ready for it. However, after some initial run thrus, I do make the minimums, so thats a relief. But, I just dont want to scrape by with the minimums. I want to totally crush the physical aspects. I know I can do it. I just have to keep with it and not let up on my running and stretching. However, today is a rest day to let my legs recover.
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Right around the corner

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Every cloud has a silver lining; you should have sold it, and bought titanium.
