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Journal Surak's Journal: I'm working on an op-ed piece 8

I'm working on an op-ed piece about many of the events of this past week or so on /., but in the meantime, I found this interesting little piece of speculation about $$$$$exyGal. (Yeah, yeah, I know. Some of you don't want to hear about $$$$$exyGal anymore, but I think it's interesting as part of the People Watch thing.) And the AC is right. If she was watching Manimal, chances are that she's about 30. I already figured that based on earlier comments, but if she just turned 30, like I did almost a year ago, that would explain the existentialist thoughts, because I'll admit to having some of the same ones when I turned 30.

The thing I learned -- and $$$$exy, if you're reading this (I doubt it after how mean I've been to you :) listen up -- age is just a number. Relax, loosen up, have fun, you're never too old for anything. (Cliche, I know, but there's a reason it's cliche, it's the truth.)

This discussion was created by Surak (18578) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

I'm working on an op-ed piece

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  • Manimal was good, but Mann & Machine and Automan were better :-)
    • automan, yeah, that was a winner.
      At least it was when I was 5?6?7?

      I wonder if it would hold up under scrutiny in this day and age.
      • I wonder if it would hold up under scrutiny in this day and age.

        Yeah, I know what you mean. I loved Thundercats when I was a kid, but it was a mistake to try watching it when I was grown up... I remember thinking "how the hell could I have watched this crap?!"
        • I used to think Voltron was the sh**. I watched in cartoon network a year ago and thought "WTF was I thinking when I used to think this was GOOD?" :)

          • So I finally saw the FIRST episode of the lion voltrons, like in 1999 (at 3 am on cartoon network) and I said 'A ha! This will explain everything!'

            It explained NOTHING. THey are escapees rfom a slave ship, the lions are asleep and waiting for some sort of prophecy, the escapees just show up and say "we want the lions" and everyone else says "well, okay" and BLAMMO! We have VOLTRON!

            Actually, my little re-cap made far more sense than that episode. It left more questions than it answered!

            Defend THIS, volt
            • Huh? That's it? "We want the lions?" Wtf? That's rather anticlimactic. I was hoping some sort of deep spiritual meaning -- but NO. We want the lions. That's all we get. Defender of the Universe, indeed.

    • Mann & Machine and Automan were better :-)

      Don't remember Mann & Machine, but I loved Automan as a child. Actually, I can't remember that much about it, but remember that I loved the car, and hated Cursor.

UNIX enhancements aren't.
