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Journal Chicks_Hate_Me's Journal: Misogynist? Who me?

Quite honestly, I've never heard this word used until about a year ago, the wonderful states that it is "one who hates women." That's a pretty damn vague statement and I'm definitely not a misogynist since I don't hate women just because I hate women. The reason why I hate a lot of women is mostly because of their attitude and personalities. Maybe this is because of me, maybe I'm in denial, maybe it's the books I read. It just seems like most women don't turn me on mentally and all seem pretty shallow. It could also be the way I was brought up.

Until I was about 10 years old I was brought up in a typical suburban lifestyle. A single family home in a suburban "bedroom community" (city planned and all) and lived with both parents. They were constantly fighting, my mom always called my dad a "male chauvinist" and I always sided with my mom. Once my parents divorced, the equilibrium ended, and the boat started to tip to the side. I ended up being the "Man of the House" that would be great and all, but I was under a Matriarchy Regime.

For 8 long years I was blamed for anything and everything. Anything my sister did, I was blamed. I was sort of the "black sheep" of the family. I had to take out the trash every night not because it was my job, it was the "man's job." Of course if I said anything was a "woman's job" I would be yelled at and called a "chauvinist pig". (Not to say I had a terrible life, I was brought up a helluva lot nicer than a lot of people, though I never really was given material goods.)

After reading things like If Men Have All the Power How Come Women Make the Rules?, Chicks Suck, and Heartless Bitches my taste has really turned sour towards women. There is still sexual attraction to most women, but once they open their mouths, I lose any interest. I'm sure it is an asshole-ish thing to say but it's true, I really don't think it has anything to do with females, but it's all about society.

Society has this nasty thing of making people stupid little sheep (including me.) Even nowadays in this "more equal" world, men are still expected to pay for everything and be the breadwinner. Even when women make a good amount of money they still date men that make more money than them (not all cases, but the majority of the time it is.) Even in this day, men are expected to do everything while the female sits there and looks pretty, because the male is lucky enough to have her company. This whole "Women's Rights" movement is the biggest load of shit, it was never for equal rights, it was always about getting women the most out of the gov't. I'm thankful that women can vote, and I'm thankful that it is no longer considered a Good Thing to beat your wife. I'm thankful that things are more equal in that sense, but you have to give a little and to get a little and women have gotten away with giving nothing back (only bitching for more.) Another problem I see with society is, I don't view women as lesser, while society does (even if they don't admit it.) In fact, I view women as superiors. Why? Just look around, guys are willing to do anything to get some pink. They do the stupidest shit, just for some stupid bitch. Why? Because society says it's okay, it's normal invest all your time just to receive an ROI on pussy points. Therefore women will continue doing it because men keep on falling victim to it. Women have the magical mind controlling tool called The Vagina.

So I guess that's another reason why chicks don't like me, I won't fall victim to their bullshit. I won't play their stupid games. I analyze them as a human being, as opposed to a sex object that I must find a way to spread their legs. So there you go, if I find someone uninteresting and the only thing going for them is a nice body, then fuck it. Why should I endure their bullshit just for a little poontang?

So no, I'm not an "misogynist", I think "misogynist" is another buzzword used by "cool" people to label guys who haven't fallen victim to The Vagina (of doooooom.)

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Misogynist? Who me?

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