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Journal singularity's Journal: GPL vs. BSD vs. Public Domain 2

The is a discussion on Slashdot regarding government developed code.

Everyone is arguing about GPL, and how a BSD license would be better. I am going to go one step further - what about putting it into the pubic domain? Anyone can use it for whatever they want for free. No limitations on it, no requirements on its use. Every tax payer paid for the code to be written, so every tax payer would be able to do with it as they please.

I realize the BSD license is not too far away from that, but I feel it is better to put no restriction on the code at all.

On a completely unrelated note, the aquarium is almost done. You can see a picture online.

I am hoping to get water in the tank by Saturday evening. Still on for fish in the next few weeks, and then the octopus in early September.

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GPL vs. BSD vs. Public Domain

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