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Journal The Turd Report's Journal: Slashdot Janitors v. Lab Apes 1

I wonder if you took two servers running slash and put them in seperate rooms and put the Slashdot janitors in one and put a dozen or so brain-dead lab apes in the other. Could you tell the difference between the two versions of slashdot? Now, you would have to give the apes a truckload of $5 crack and let them sodimize each other for several weeks on end, so both groups start out on even ground. But, would you be able no note the difference? I think so. I think that the apes could figure out how to use a spell checker and have a basic grasp of sentance structure. Two things, that in all these years, Taco and his goons have yet to figure out. The quality of articles selected would be the same. An ape would be slapping the keyboard with his schlong and would be psudo-randomly adding articles to the front page. It should come as no supprise to you that this is the exact method used my most of the slashdot staff. Another difference would be how long the Katz-ape would survive within the group. The Katz-ape would generate posts by humping the keyboard and submitting the resulting random garbage, but the other apes would realise that the Katz-ape was worthless and was better used as food. Jon Katz on the other hand generates his posts by humping a little boy. Comments? Discuss below:
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Slashdot Janitors v. Lab Apes

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