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Journal singularity's Journal: On Trilogies (part II) 1

[WARNING: This journal entry contains spoilers for "The Matrix: Reloaded". If you have not seen it yet, I suggest you stop reading this now, and probably go see the movie, as well.]

I went back this past weekend and saw "The Matrix: Reloaded" again. Surprisingly, the movie is much better the second time through. The stupid beginning part of the movie does not seem *quite* as slow the second time through. The cave orgy scene still needs to go...

Amazingly enough, it seems that the trilogy is going to follow Hank's Law of Trilogies. The second movie ends on a down note. There seems nothing that the people of Zion can do. Neo is in a coma, and Agent Smith has not only figured out how to reproduce, but also how to leave the Matrix.

My major problem with the movie was that it did not seem to be a complete movie on its own. At the end of "The Matrix", we are left with the idea that Neo is a god walking among men. The machines have everything to fear, since it seems that there is nothing they can do to stop him.

The entire second movie seems to be 2.5 hours of convincing the audience that is not true. That is all fine and dandy, but that does not a movie make.

I really wish I could have just sat for 5 straight hours and seen "Reloaded" and "Revolutions" in one sitting. "Reloaded" is not even a cliff-hanger, it just stops the story at a random stopping point.

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On Trilogies (part II)

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How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
