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Journal grolaw's Journal: Safaris and macs and UNIX, oh my!

POT to start my navel-gazing experiment (to the world at large, that is Plain Old Text not weed). /. seems fairly close to the early days on BIX. I haven't looked around enough (in the backwaters) here to determine if /. has anything like the early WELL discussions.

Thus far I've been lurking for a year. In the past month I've created a new persona (hey, I got a new laptop - I NEED a new persona) and have posted a few replies. No flame wars yet.

I'm fairly clear on the freeform nature of /. and it has retained my interest through several high-work months. I guess that is the gold standard: can I keep current with a new area while keeping current with the work?

I'm really enjoying the SCO suit comments here. The Linux world has mostly passed me by -if only because I haven't had to mess with the 486-based Linux server (3.x something of the Penguin) since I got it running ~ 2 years ago!

So, now I have these new Mac's & old PC's and a law practice and my own journal at /. :- ). I didn't say anything bad about Safaris. . . I wonder why?

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Safaris and macs and UNIX, oh my!

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
