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Journal lpret's Journal: Cellphone etiquette 3

Ok. This is something that bugs me, and I hope someone explains this to me. Why oh why do people blab on their cellphone when they're with someone else? Take, for instance, this evening. I was with Kali, we went to grab some ice cream, rent a video, snuggle, all the good things in life, and on the way to the ice cream shoppe and most of the time there (I'm talking about 30 minutes) she was on the cellphone with a friend (a girl). Ok, so after she gets off her phone, I tell her that that kind of bothered me that she would disregard me and instead focus on someone else, even though she was hanging out with me. She was actually confused as to what I meant, she couldn't see anything wrong with what she had done. Now, this is not the first time, nor I'm sure it's not the last, but it irks me nonetheless.

It seems to me, and this is how I was raised in terms of cellphone etiquette, that one should regard a cellphone conversation as a full conversation. If someone calls while you're in the middle of another conversation and it's not important, a simple,"I'm in the middle of something, can I call you back?" will suffice. That's how I was raised. I mean, it makes sense, doesnt it?

For those of you who are diabetic, I'm 504 right now, somewhere between "way too fuckin high" and "start pumping the insulin." I'll stop blabbing now then...

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Cellphone etiquette

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  • Cellphones/mobiles have become an expectation and not an exception.

    It seems like some cliques, especially the trendy ones, expect all their elite friends to tote the cells around to keep in touch. And this has somehow filtered down into ordinary friendships, too; any old group of friends seems to have adopted phone tag as their natural pasttime. Why? Don't they get enough of it at the house? Dun ask me.

    But when two people are just trying to be comfortable together and the dumb phone won't let you be

  • I don't like cell phones despite being a geek. I am sick of lunch conversations about Tivo and the latest cell phones. Get a friggin life I say. I ride the Long Island Railroad home (NYC) and about 50% of the cell phone calls are, "Honey, I'm on the 6:39 train so I'll see ya at 7:42. Love ya' babe. Bye." Why not just call from the office before you leave? Save some money. Don't have to carry that damn thing around, waste $29.95/$39.95/$49.95, etc. a month. I also don't like PDA's. Man, what's wron
  • Most people don't have a good sense of phone etiquette at all. Cellphones have just taken the already-existing problem and introduced it to more situations.

    I wonder if cell phones will make it enough of a problem that people will finally start to address phone etiquette issues that have always been around.

    e.g. You're in a long line-up waiting for customer service. The clerk behind the counter is also answering the phone. Rather than putting callers on hold until their turn, s/he deals with them immediatel

What sin has not been committed in the name of efficiency?
