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Journal lpret's Journal: It's Summertime 4

Well, it's officially summer. How do we know? I'm working on my first fling. My girlfriend is at home (about 1000 miles away) and I just met this incredible girl named Kali.

We met through a mutual friend, well, I guess I could call her a friend -- she's more of the neighborhood gossip, handy sometimes but destructive others. Which scares me about this whole thing, but screw it, it's the summer. We went to a new Bar/Grill called Slo Pokes. The service is just that -- slow, but the food's pretty good and in good company, so is the atmosphere. We had a great evening, finished it off watching "Finding Nemo" I dunno, I was enjoying cuddling with her.

Well, nevermind the play-by-play, but nevertheless, we had a good night. And this brings me to my predicament. Should I tell Amber? She doesn't really need to know, and it could only hurt. However, we've prided our relationship in brutal honesty. And here's the other thing that get's to me, how come I always get the almost-gorgeous-but-cute-enough-you-feel-bad-dumping-for-looks kind of girl? And then a truly gorgeous girl like Kali steps in my life...

Yet I'm convinced that this fling with Kali will be only that. She has her boyfriend, however she's starting to hate him (no future in a mechanic) and she started to think about the future. And then I fscked her. And she commented several times yesterday that her boyfriend isn't as generous and respectful as I, which is something I learned a long time ago: girls love to be respected and treated like a princess. Once you've gained hold of that premise, a whole new world opens up.

Well, I'm off to bed, I didn't get much sleep last night. And thank God Amber isn't a nerdette, much less heard of slashdot.

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It's Summertime

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  • by isorox ( 205688 )
    You're a bad, bad man. You'll have to tell her, otherwise next time it will be much closer to home, and she'll find out from a friend of a friend, and before you know it your new 60" TV is out the window, and you're lucky to come out with your bollocks intact.

    Hell hath no wrath like a woman scorned. It's a cliche, but its true.
  • It's summer. It's a fling. Amber could be a fling. And who knows? She's probably off doing her fling thing, too. Who says you have to break up with anyone? Brutal honesty be damned -- it's not that serious.

    Advice from an old lady of 30? You're young. Be young. Enjoy everyone you can, as long as it's safe. You're going to need these fond memories when you're old and married. Live life to have no regrets. If you need to confess to someone, just log it here []!

    • This is why you're my newest friend -- a very different, less worried point of view. It certainly helps :)

      Thanks again.

      • I have found that the perspective of getting older (as if 30 were old!!!) is very helpful in curing the bad habit of taking oneself too seriously. At least that's what did it for me. :-) Have a fun summer!!


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