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Journal coupland's Journal: Recent Reading: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Title: Atlas Shrugged
Author: Ayn Rand
Genre: Fiction
Difficulty: Hefty
Published 1953-ish
Rating: Liked it

Atlas Shrugged follows Dagny Taggart, the beautiful, successful, industrial mind behind the Taggart Transcontinental railroad. However Dagny has noticed a disturbing trend of late: the great minds and men of action of the world are slowly vanishing into thin air, never to be heard from again. They are being seized by John Galt, the man who has vowed to stop the motor of the world: it's minds. Dagny vows to fight to keep what is hers as she watches the world around her rapidly recede and decay. Who is the Destroyer?

Atlas Shrugged can be preachy at the best of times and nothing short of a political manifesto at the worst of them, so don't bother reading it if you don't want to hear someone recite their personal philosophy. While Rand's suppositions may have holes in them, she develops an interesting theory that offers food for thought. Can a man consume more than he produces? (Hint: according to her, no.) She also backs this up with a talent for fiction, so even if you don't subscribe to the views, the writing still offers some decent scenery to enjoy along the way.

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Recent Reading: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

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