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Journal Rudy Rodarte's Journal: Lots of stuff today 1

Ok, so I am chillin when I should be working. Its ok, the day is winding down and soon I'll be headed back home. Its Thursday, so that means Smackdown! will be on for my viewing pleasure. I can't wait for tomorrow to see the Spurs-Nets game 2. Not only that, Baylor is playing LSU in NCAA super regional. Should be an interesting night.
In other news, I was thinking of getting one of those nifty blog things, but who needs one? I got my /. journal! I even put a link to it in my sig, so more people can take a look at it. I don't think I'm writing things that can be commented on, but thats probably because I haven't flexed the writing portion of my brain in quite some time. But, I know I'll find inspiration in my daily work and life. I know this, the ./ journal is more convenient than a paper one. Then again, I'm sure the paper one has more sentimental value to future generations, etc. Plus, this is a bit more public. So much so, that google has a link to me, so there is really no privacy, but what do I have to hide?
Work/Life balance
At work, that is one of the headers under one of our intranet pages. Right now, I'm not sure if I'm getting that balance. The typical day is like this:
06:00 Alarm goes of
06:20 Groggy me gets out of bed
06:40 Hit the road
07:00 Get to the gym and work out
07:50 Hit the showers
08:15 Clock in and get to work
13:10 Grab some lunch
18:30 Head home
19:00 Water the plants. Make some chow!
19:30 Eat some chow!
21:00 Clean up the place. Dishes etc.
23:30 Goto bed.
Lather rinse repeat. Is this the whole show? Is it like this for everyone. Granted, this is just a week day. Weekends are a little different.
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Lots of stuff today

Comments Filter:
  • 07:00 - Alarm
    07:25 - Roll out of Bed
    [I dunno wtf takes me so long in this part ... I am slow in the morning]
    08:45 - Out the door
    [I walk to work to this is my 'workout']
    09:15 - Arrive at the office
    12:45 - Lunch
    17:45 - Head home
    18:15 - Get home, start cooking
    18:45 - Eat dinner
    19:30 - Clean up
    19:45 - Mess around, work on my distance ed course, watch anime
    23:00 - Hit the sack

    Sounds to me like you've got a pretty long work day though: 08:15 to 18:30 is around 10 hours. And you only get 6.5h of sleep per night?

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
