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Journal Celt's Journal: College life & falling inlove?

Well this is my very first journal entry, hopefully as time goes by this won't get that boring.

For those that know me I've always been a shy person, for those that don't well now you know.
But how my life has changed in reason months & weeks.
I've got into college back in October and since then I gots say college life agree's with me ALOT.

For the last 2 months or more I've had a thing for one of the girls thats in my class, her name's Linda.
Started off as me just taking a liking to her but in recent times I think I'm falling inlove with her?.

She dos'ent know it and for the time being its going to stay that way as I don't want to confuse her as she has enough in her life at the moment and it would be selfish as hell for me to tell her.
Her friend does know that I like her but she has'ent told her.
I'm just gona have to take my time as with anything, she may find out how I feel but she may never find out...

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College life & falling inlove?

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