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Journal TheRaven64's Journal: Fans and Freaks 6

How do people modify the moderation done to their fans and foes? I currently give a small bonus to fans, and a large bonus to freaks. I figure that fans are likely to be people who agree with me and foes the converse, and I would rather read posts from people who do not agree with me. If I wanted to hear my own opinion, I would talk to myself (actually, I often do, but that's not the issue here. Probably). Know thine enemy (or at least people who perceive themselves as thine enemy).
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Fans and Freaks

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  • ... I have no 'freak' as yet, so I have not bothered modifying the moderation level. I would say I'd probably be interested in what they have to say though.

    +1 fan, +3 friends

    • I have no 'freak' as yet

      I am reminded of something Lod Tebbitsaid to me, which was 'I think you can define a person by their enemys. I am very proud of my enemys and wouldn't like to lose a single one'.

      • Hmm. I think that the point of the preview button is that I'm supposed to read the preview before pressing submit. 'Lod Tebbitsaid' should have read 'Lord Tebbit said'.
      • I think you can define a person by their enemys. I am very proud of my enemys and wouldn't like to lose a single one'

        Guess I am rather too diplomatic sometimes. Coming from an ex-dictatorship, that is probably the wise thing for me to do anyway :P

        List of taboo subjects in Indonesia: communism, federalism, referendum, insulting the President, flag-burning ... it always seemed to me that Indonesians and the American right think alike on many issues.

If a thing's worth having, it's worth cheating for. -- W.C. Fields
