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Journal TheRaven64's Journal: First Post! 1

Well, after 600 posts, I have managed to get my first first post (w00t w00t, etc). It wasn't intentional, but I do notice that it seems to have been moderated very very generously. The content of the post basically says 'MySQL isn't actually all that good really, is it?' This would probably have been moderated as a troll anywhere else (and, indeed it was), but seems to have been moderated +5 interresting. Very strange.
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First Post!

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  • You did mention another database, so it is not outright trolling. I wonder who voted 'Underrated' though; trying to escape meta-moderation I suppose.

    I personally only use 'underrated' for posts that get voted both ways (up with interesting/funny/insightful, down with overrated/troll/flamebait), but c'est just moi

What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens. -- Bengamin Disraeli
