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Journal AB3A's Journal: Thoughts on being a father for the third time 1

In less than a month, my wife and I are expecting our third (and probably last) child. We don't know whether it's a boy or a girl despite having more than enough opportunities to find out. We know that we'll find out soon enough.

I'm excited by the birth of this child. However, even more interesting than the birth itself, I'm facinated with the reactions our daughter and son are having. With absolutely no information, they are certain that it's a boy. My four year old daughter is very interested and seems to understand quite a bit. I'm not so sure my son knows what's in store.

I'm not so sure I know what's in store either. My wife and I will be outnumbered. Those of you who have had a second child know that the workload goes up dramatically with the second child, particularly when they are close in age. I'm hoping that the workload won't go up as much for the third arrival...

My son is just about to get out of diapers in time for a third child to present the opportunity for still more diaper changing. I've been changing diapers for four and a half years and it looks as if I'll be doing it for at least two or three more.

On the positive side, I remember telling my wife before our first was born that while I don't mind the new-born phase of child rearing, I'm really looking forward to ages five and after. Well, my daughter is four and a half. Things are really moving forward. I like sharing activities with my kids where I can take them places or work with them. At their present age, they can just barely appreciate what's going on around them. I'm sure this too will come.

I expect the happy day real soon now. After that I'll be pretty scarce for a month or two. Don't worry, it's for the best of reasons.

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Thoughts on being a father for the third time

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