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Journal ryanr's Journal: Book Plug (-1, Offtopic) 5

No debugging this time, I need to hammer out some code and make some more mistakes first. :) You might also check out the recent thread on the vuln-dev mailing list (which I used to run) about security bugs. It's similar in spirit to my previous two entries.

Anyway, it seems like the in thing to do to make a journal entry when your new book comes out. :) There are a couple of recent ones that I've been involved with.

The first is Snort 2.0 Intrusion Detection

I'm really pleased that this one is doing so well. It's written by some of the Snort project guys and friends of mine. I wasn't heavily involved in this one, just asked as technical advisor.

The second is Stealing The Network

This one is more fun. It's fiction set in the hacker/infosec world. I conceived most of the scenarios, acted as tech editor, and wrote one of the chapters. Amazon just got their shipment, and aren't registering any sales to speak of yet. I'm hoping that changes soon. :)

If any of you happen to read one of them at some point, I'd love to hear what you think.

Also, if anyone is interested in doing a Slashdot review of either of these (or really, any Syngress book) e-mail me, and we'll see about getting a review copy to you.

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Book Plug (-1, Offtopic)

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  • Now I know another famous person! This rocks!
    • For negligable values of "famous", in my case. :)

      Who is the other?

      The writing is fun, I do it as a kind of hobby. If you're curious, here's the list of books I've had a hand in:

      Ryan's Books [amazon.com]

      That doesn't count the foreign language translations, bundle sets, etc... I've got a copy of Hack Proofing Your Network: Internet Tradecraft in Japanese. Can't understand any of the writing, but I recognize my screenshots. :)

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