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Linux Business

Journal babbage's Journal: SCO SUE ME 1

Some things are worth forwarding as widely as possible. This is one of them.


I am a Linux user. I feel that SCO's tactics toward an operating system of my choice are unjust, ill founded and bizarre. I am willing to be sued because I am confident that SCO's tactics toward Linux will fail. If I have published my email address as part of this petition it is so SCO representatives can email me and begin the process of serving me a court order.


The Undersigned

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  • Do SCO's suits against ordinary Linux users incense you? Are you willing to engage in a little civil disobedience in order to show them that you won't be pushed around? Then sign this petition [], stand up, and be counted!

Bringing computers into the home won't change either one, but may revitalize the corner saloon.
