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The Matrix

Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: The Matrix Reloaded: Craptastic [Spoiler Free] 4

Okay, this will be a bit of a rant, so bear with me.

First of all, I knew there was no way The Matrix Reloaded was going to live up to my expectations. In fact, I went in saying "this movie is going to suck, but there will be awesome fight scenes and explosions." But The Matrix Reloaded came in so far under the bar, it was amazing.

Now, let me set a few things straight. There were some _amazing_ scenes in this movie. Scenes which make the entire movie worth sitting through. Scenes which justify the eleven dollars I spent on my ticket. But, that said, the amount of utter _crap_ between said scenes was staggering.

I, for one, pride myself on being able to enjoy even the stupidest of movies. But I didn't enjoy whole sections of this movie. There were many points when the CGI was so horrible it was like watching a bad video game. The dialogue got so bad at times it felt like the powers that be forgot to put some of their 400 million dollars into a script.

Except for a few interesting plot twists, there was no plot. Now, you may ask me how there could be a plot twist without a plot. The answer is simple: it put some interesting twists on the plot of the _original_ Matrix - not The Matrix Reloaded.

What The Matrix Reloaded lacked was what made the original Matrix so fresh. The subtle "you think that's air you're breathing?". The slow motion fight scenes. The bullet casings dropping as Neo and Trinity fire their guns. What The Matrix Reloaded had which the original lacked was long, drawn out, stupid scenes. And way too much face sucking.

Don't get me wrong. There were parts of the movie I enjoyed thoroughly. And I'm not saying don't see the movie. SEE THE MOVIE. There are some spectacular scenes and sequences, but there is a lot of crap to wade through. It is certainly worth watching. The problem is, this isn't a movie I feel compelled to see again. Hell, I don't even feel compelled to watch its sequel, The Matrix Revolutions.

But, for a nice farewell gift -- if you wait through the ten minutes of credits -- there's a great trailer for The Matrix Revolutions at the end.

So there you have it, my exhausted rant / review of The Matrix Reloaded. Sorry if I've killed your expectations. Maybe it'll just make the movie that much more enjoyable for you than it was for me. Now go see it and prove my review incorrect.

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The Matrix Reloaded: Craptastic [Spoiler Free]

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    There were many points when the CGI was so horrible it was like watching a bad video game.

    I don't know about you, but the motorcycle chase scene rivaled (not pioneered mind u) the car chases in Ronin [imdb.com]. I thought the Albino Milli Vanilli characters were well made (but I think they should have had some fight scenes with some agents). The fight scene in that room full of weapons was pretty cool (Come on man they used sais and that big motherf*cker of a mace thing!). Mind

    • God damnit, I left the movie early and missed this part.

      Thanks for the reminder - I'll make sure I stay until the end of credits for movies I watch this summer. I spend summer in Indonesia where there's always a huge queue for the toilets at the end anyway, so there's no point rushing out (cinemas in the tropics are always cold compared to the temperature outside; if you are used to the hot weather outside you would want to use the loo)

      Back to the movie: I have not seen it, but from the reviews you

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