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Journal lpret's Journal: New Cellphone!

Well, I moved up in the cellphone world! I had this gay 3360 which was cool like 4 years ago. But I only got it 6 months ago. Anyways, it was fine, but I convinced my parents that AT&T would give me a better deal if I got a new phone. They did give me a better deal, but it wasn't because it's a new phone, it's simply because I've been their customer for so long. Anyways, so I got the Nokia 3595. It's a pretty bitchin little phone, I'm a little worried because it looks like while I'm in Waco I won't be able to do some of the cool shit it does. Like mMode, or whatever Nokia calls it. That's all I got it for, and then I can't do it? That's bullshit if you ask me. Anyways, I'm calling AT&T tomorrow to see about this all... I want a better background, and they better let me use my own, because that's gay if it won't. I tell you what, these American companies just want you to do everythign of theirs, no customization. It pisses me off. Anyways, I need to go to bed, I'm tired.

Well, I was completely wrong. AT&T are awesome. They let you do whatever you jolly well want to do, as long as you pay by the megabyte. And the mMode stuff? That's all usable in Waco. So needless to say, all my fears are met with sighs of relief.

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New Cellphone!

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