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Journal Slowping's Journal: very interesting legal articles.....

Here is a very interesting CNN article about the reach of laws, constitution, and individual rights. Not exactly tech oriented, but still a very thought provoking read.

Personally.... The US believes its government to be the best in the world, though not perfect; and the US believes its courts to be the best in the world, though not perfect. If so, then the US should apply in full all fundamentals and limitations of its own governing laws to peoples of lands it controls, whether via occupation, lease, or territory. To do otherwise, would be hypocritical.

Here's another very interesting CNN article regarding tax deductions for artistic works given to charity. The law as written is very narrow, and much more representative of non-digital works of art. Maybe a future expansion would allow for some kind of digital equivallence? What if an artist could write off the works of music he donates to the public domain? The value of that work could be evaluated against his works that sell. An interesting idea for how the future economics of digital art might be influenced.

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very interesting legal articles.....

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