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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: Gosh Really? 3

The next Slashdot story will be ready soon, but subscribers can beat the rush and see it early!

Thanks, but no thanks.

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Gosh Really?

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  • Maybe now we can see all the speeling misteaks and laugh at the editors!

    Hrm. Never mind.
  • It is surprising just how lame and unimaginative the /. subscription actually is. There is loads of stuff they could do. Subscribers could get directed to a faster and more reliable server, for example (LiveJournal does this). Or could have the ability to vote on story submissions. Or could apply their own L&F to journals. Or could have the limits on posts/day and friends upped or removed altogether. Or could even get a fucking gold star next to their names when they post.

    Instead, you can see stories e
    • Or could even get a fucking gold star next to their names when they post.

      You mean the green star [] isn't enough for you to subsrcibe? :)

interlard - vt., to intersperse; diversify -- Webster's New World Dictionary Of The American Language
