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First Person Shooters (Games)

Journal Pervertus's Journal: Jethro On Deathrow

I am missing my friend, Jethro On Deathrow.

As you know, he's in a minimum security facility (he still didn't tell me why) and I see he hasn't written for almost a month. But the worse thing is that he deteriorated into the realm of the -1 posters because he posted too many comments about his dick.

So now he's limited to 2 posts a day, and I don't have mod points anywhere so I can't mod him up!! And he can't create a new account because he's not allowed to have email accounts in his jail! So what am I gonna do?

Please help me to find my friend.

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Jethro On Deathrow

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How often I found where I should be going only by setting out for somewhere else. -- R. Buckminster Fuller
