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The Matrix

Journal L0stb0Y's Journal: Friday, finally.

Thank goodness its Friday once again.

So I've been playing around with RH9.0- After putting up some Reloaded wallpaper, and kicking on the Matrix screensaver, the rest of the office has now dubbed this workstation the "Matrix Machine" - (and have started calling me Neo....not sure which is worse, that or the previous names they had for me, such as "Net-boy"- however when there is a problem, "net-boy" suddenly turns into "net-god")-

For some strange reason I'm having trouble getting new RPMs to install. Just I just need to play with the system some more.

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Friday, finally.

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"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." -- Bertrand Russell
