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Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: IRC discussion: area51.slashnet.org #slashdot

* m opens terminal tab, begins to play NetHack
H: m: robbing shopkeepers is fun :)
* H waits for nethack to be outlawed in .au
H: why would NH be outlawed in oz?
H: m: GTA3 has been outlawed... and nethack doesn't exactly foster a society-building image (especially if you like to go the chaotic way :)
m: I know that, but GTA3 is a theif-trainer, and NetHack is well... a text-based (sorta) RPG
n: There is no comparison
H: m: I _always_ steal stuff when I play nethack... :)
m: well...
m: I always end putting on something like a cursed ring of polymorph
m: and losing
m: game over... killed by manes
H: m: yeah... using a polymorph wand on a shopkeeper is nice... or on your pet :)

The names have been changed on the request of the people
m == me
H == a person in the room

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IRC discussion: area51.slashnet.org #slashdot

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