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Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: launch X from the command line

#! /usr/bin/perl

print "WMChooser\n";
open(LIST, "/usr/share/wmchooser/wmlist") || die "AAARGH! $!! ABORT, ABORT!\n";
while ([LIST]){
        ($wmname, $wmgo)=split(/~/);
        print "$bob: $wmname\n";
print "Enter Number: ";
chomp $in;

die "Exiting Program\n";

made with vim and Linux

NOTE: wmlist is a file that looks like this:
wmaker~X | wmaker -display :0
so that all the respective window makers, and their commands to start them, are layed out NAME~COMMAND format, each on its own line.

Also note that I have a cool ASCII logo that doesn't display right in HTML, so I edited it out. This is a very streamlined version, compared to the one I use at home.
Woops! I Just realized that all the pointy brackets won't show! So I am using [] instead, but replace them all with pointy brackets when you use it.

UPDATE: There already turns out to be several things called wmchooser. If you can come up with a better name... I'll change the name to it.

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