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Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: NetHack AND the GIMP in one article!

Woohoo! Back when I was running BeOS, I had NetHack for the BeTerm. It was a lot of fun. Then a horrible catastrophy occured to the harddrive (sp?) and BeOS could not be restored. But I enjoyed it while it lasted. Numerous attempts to reinstall NetHack under Linux failed. The other day, however, I got Nethack's RPM (I use Mandrake, so sue me), and the library (Infoso, or something) required to support it. The installation went off without a hitch. Really. I've been playing it nonstop.
However, there is one minor problem with it. For some reason, my terminal emulator (as well as the all the other ones) dropped color support for NetHack and Vi (nooooooooooo), but, for some bizzare reason, left ls -color=auto intact. Any Ideas?

I also created a great GIMP logo for NetHack. mmm... the GIMP. It's pretty simplistic. I took a screenshot of an xterm running NetHack, and then overlayed
Into the Mazes of Menace!
on top of it in really nice font.

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NetHack AND the GIMP in one article!

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