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Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: Trolls... AAAAAAAAARG! 3

Now I see why some people hate Slashdot. I've been bombarded with crass, annoying, malinformed, stupid, and all the other synonyms for retarded replies to most all of my comments. That Just Makes Me Mad(tm). Why Oh Why is this? Am I destined to become flamebait? Should I just stop even caring? NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo.... I love... Slashdot...

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  • by rendler ( 141135 )
    A 2 threshold works wonders :)
    • This would be great... except for the fact that I read ALL replies to my messages, just in case something gets modded down by acciendent.
      Plus, not all of MY comments are always modded up to 2, so I can't even see myself. And why are there trolls in the first place? Makes my blood boil.
      • This would be great... except for the fact that I read ALL replies to my messages, just in case something gets modded down by acciendent.

        I used to read every single message in a story at a 1 threshold, after a couple of months I just relised it wasn't worth it because most of the stuff posted is just noise (including the stuff that I post myself :) so these days I just browse with a higher one, and on stories with 300+ comments I boost it up even more. I know I could possible be missing out on some really good stuff but it's just not worth the effort to try and find them through all the noise. Especially since most of the good stuff gets modded up anyways.

        Plus, not all of MY comments are always modded up to 2, so I can't even see myself.

        With my comments when they're on 1 and the threshold is 2 I can still see them.

        And why are there trolls in the first place? Makes my blood boil.

        There'll always be trolls, they have nothing better to do I guess and like to push people's buttons just because they like it, and their purpose is to do excatly that, just ignore them and pretty soon you build up and immunity to them :)

One good suit is worth a thousand resumes.
