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Journal 15th Anniversary meet-ups underway; Hallowe'en approaches (got video?) 1

Just a few quick notes today:

- The 15th Anniversary Slashdot meetups are in progress! Some have already taken part (like Seattle's and Pasadena's), and many are taking place this weekend and next (In Toronto, Mexico City, Raleigh, Ann Arbor, NYC, Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Francisco, and many others). Continuing thanks go out to the organizers and attendees for bearing with the glitches in our process in putting these together. Many lessons learned for the next go-'round.

We'd appreciate it, if you're attending or organizing one of these gatherings, if you tag any photos / tweets / etc. with "slashdot15" (As here, on twitter, and/or "slashdot," and/or slashdot15-$TLA, where &TLA is replaced with the three-letter airport code of the nearest major airport.

- We've been happily overwhelmed by the clever submissions which have rolled in to replace for each day of this month the normal Slashdot logo. Take a look at the ones we've selected so far. You're welcome to submit one, too -- selected artists will get one of the limited edition Slashdot anniversary T-shirts, and the artist judged best of the month will land a Nexus 7 tablet.

- Next month, you'll hear more about the Slashdot Mobile alpha for tablets; one step at a time.

- A video experiment in the works: Hallowe'en. This is tentative, but we think it would be fun to showcase readers' cool and clever Hallowe'en projects. So: Are you animating your house demons? Scaring children any technically interesting way, with candy-serving robots, automated strobes, or talking gravestones? Using Arduinos to control LEDs on your costume, or serving blue drinks with rising mist? If so, we'd like to see some video about it, and show it off to the rest of the world, too. If you've got a geeky approach to October 31st, send email to with "halloween video" in the subject and tell us some details. If you've already put video on a site like YouTube, mention the link, too!

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15th Anniversary meet-ups underway; Hallowe'en approaches (got video?)

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