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Journal red5's Journal: Hello again... 7

I now have a W2K box and I've installed a few games on it. RTCW, GTA 1, Wolfienstine + SOD (yes the old ass games from 1993) Quake 3, UT, BF 1942, Re-volt, BF 1942, Warcraft 3.

Anybody want to play?
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Hello again...

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  • by Tet ( 2721 )
    Mmmmm.... UT. Still play it at work. You're missing Serious Sam (1 and 2) from your list, though. When you absolutely positively have to blow away everything in sight, you need an SBC Cannon :-)

    Since we're talking games, I've been struggling to get the Linux NWN betas to work. After a bit of messing around, it's installed, but it dumps core as soon as I try to run it. Has anyone had any luck with it?

  • I'm up for UT, BF1942, or even SS2 if you want to go out and spend $10 on the best game ever: look at the "EA Classics" display at your local Electronics Boutique []. You'll be sure to find "System Shock 2". Setup a Saturday with nothing to do and we'll play Co-op through it (get a third person, and we can play one marine, one naval officer, and one psyonic).
  • I might be up for some WC3 sometime... keep me posted.
    • by red5 ( 51324 )
      I sux0r at this game right now. The last RTS I played was Dune 2. I'm pretty good at FPS though.
  • I'm setting up Clan Nerdfarm tomorrow night. For now it's going to be slightly static but I'm hoping to at least get a game schedule piece up there that works.

    I setup the domain at least...

    I also installed America's Army this morning, lets see if it's worth the 800mb of hard drive space. I really need to slap another hard drive in that box for the windows partition.

    I may be able to play some BF1942 tonight, although I doubt it. Tomorrow night will work, though. I also got a GameVoice, which is a good
  • by gmhowell ( 26755 )
    America's Army. The price is right. And you can join nerdfarm.

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