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Journal benad's Journal: None of the fun of College...

All of the education! Uhh... Wait, I didn't got that tagline right ("Old School")...

Last week was weird. I spent my time working or studying, because I had to, and because there's nothing else I could do. Solitude is the best thing to help you study, after this stupid competitiveness most study freaks have, obviously (because the only people that are as good as me in class are either as smart as me, which is rare, or obsessed competitive perfectionists, which I'm not).

On friday I met for the first time in months/years two people that I somewhat, a little, changed their lives. At least for them to remember my name, and to say hi. Back then, I was strange, err, stranger. I had this "inspiration" to be totally altruistic with anyone half-nice. I changed some lives around me. No, many lives.

I still have this "inspiration", but not much. Sadly, it should be definitively gone within two or three months. The past two years have been a bit parenthesis, and soon I'll be back where I was in January 2001.

By the way, the resellers had the expected reaction regarding the iPod, so I'm not getting it for my birthday (next saturday). I don't care. You don't neither. And in time, I won't care much about anything, anyways...

- Benad

This discussion was created by benad (308052) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

None of the fun of College...

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