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The Gimp

Journal The Great Wakka's Journal: GIMP Birthday Cards 4

I used it to make a birthday card. Woohoo! I feel really special. It actually looks pretty nice, I used a bunch of Script-Fu on it (mmm... Script-Fu). Too bad /. dosen't allow img tags...

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GIMP Birthday Cards

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  • by rendler ( 141135 )
    Upload it somewheres so we can see your work :)
    • Hmmm... Maybe I should get an account somewhere... ? Or Slashdot should provide a little (2MB) of free-space to users they have deemed "valuble".. ?
      • If you already have an account with yahoo you can setup some space at geocities pretty easy (since it's owned by yahoo). I'm interested cos I like to GIMP stuff up myself and most of the time they don't turn out too well, so I always like to see how other people's work turn out.
        • I technically have 50MB on tripod... maybe i'll use that. It is currently occupied by some old Visual Basic programs I wrote. Maybe I'll renovate it.

"It ain't over until it's over." -- Casey Stengel
