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Journal shiachlye's Journal: What ephedrine is used for?

Alkaloid ephedrine is extracted from a plant called Ephedraceae. There are several popular names for these types of evergreen plants which include squaw tea, Ma Huang, Birgham Marijuana, Popotillo, Ephedrine, Mormon tea and the Plant of the Sun. Ephedrine is approximately a 50 cm high shrub and is found in Asian countries, Northern United States and the European countries.

The plant had been discovered about 6000 years back and ever since, it has been put to use. Ephedrine roots have been used for treatment of different types of diseases such as cough, high temperature, high fever, frustration and for purifying the blood. Hence we can say that the roots are very beneficial. The root of ephedrine is known to improve concentration in kids. All these reasons have made it highly popular around the globe

Western countries identified the uses of ephedrine since the year 1923. They used it for the treatment of asthma. In sports, this is used for reducing weight and improving attention and other physical capabilities. You may aim for better results, if you take in Ephedrine along with coffee and aspirin.

The medicine stimulates the central nervous system. It can be used in three ways- as a bronchodilator, as a decongestant and as orthostatic hypotension for treating low blood pressure. Some doctors also prescribe the medicine for people with sleep related issues and menstrual problems (dysmenorrhea). The medicine is also known to be useful for treating urinary complaints. Ephedrine promotes weight loss and decreases gastric emptying. For many years, the medicine was prescribed to the US coast guards along with 25 mg dose of promethazine to combat sea sickness. The latter fights nausea while Ephedrine was found to be effective against drowsiness. Due to this reason, the medicine was also commonly referred to as the coast guard cocktail.

There are so many reasons for Ephedrine being much popular all over the world. Here are some effects of the Ephedrine.

Some major effects of ephedrine:

â Treatment of the asthma
â It decreases the appetite
â This is very useful to increase the force of the skeletal muscles.
â It increases metabolism.
â Very effective to increase the heart pressure
â Increases the temperature of the body.
Ephedrine increases the force of the muscles and skeletons. As a result of this, they are commonly used by power lifters. It increases energy levels and power levels once you consume the product. ephedrine also helps improve concentration levels of your mind making it more active throughout the day. It improves your physical capacities as well.

There are many good effects of this medicine however there are also some side effects. These side effects are listed below.

Side effects of the ephedrine:

â Shaky hands
â Triggers body perspiration
â Uneasy feeling of the body
â Dizziness
â Feeling of unrest inside the body
â Tremors
â Rapid heart-beat
Other side effects include headaches and high blood pressure. It is recommended that people troubled by high blood pressure, cardiac irregularities and thyroid dysfunction should not consume the medicine without consulting a doctor.

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What ephedrine is used for?

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