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Journal stoolpigeon's Journal: My Pi is on its way 5

Just got a note from DHL in my inbox. Woot!

Also just found MagPi a magazine about the RaspberryPi - it's a free, collaborative effort. Haven't read either issue yet but it looks like it could be good. Fun stuff.

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My Pi is on its way

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  • Ordered mine 4 April 2012 at Farnell, and still no news...
    • I cannot disagree - it isn't fair.

      I leave town soon and wont get to mess around with it for a while - which is a bummer. But you can be sure I'll be posting updates and making you feel worse once I have the time.

  • I ordered mine a long time ago. Still waiting in silence...

    • i think in that initial rush - some stuff got lost? I never was able to get an order in the first day. I don't think it was until 2 or 3 days later than I got on the waiting list for RS. My package arrived today. I need to get an SD card so I can get it going. Stop and get one on the way home tonight.

      I can't wait until I can order 2 or 3 and then feel free to take more risk with hardware oriented projects.

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