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Journal lpret's Journal: Have you tried Mandrake? 1

In a previous journal entry I had discussed why I was M$'s bitch. Well, how things have changed...First off, let me tell you that I am all about having things be easy and preconfigured or at least easily configured. I want to do my work, or watch my pr0n, not tweak some ridiculous configuration.

A friend of mine downloaded Mandrake 9.1 overnight and burned me a copy. Well, I figured I'd put it on for a while, find out that it's not enough of what I need, and then go back to XP. However, during the install, which was by far the easiest linux install, and on par if not a little better than XP, it found my USB Wifi device. Needless to say, I was jumping up and down and singing praises of Mandrake.

I had found a driver for it on the internet, but it required a lot of terminal stuff -- and I just don't have time for it. I want the OS to be transparent, let me do my work, not spend that time on tweaking the OS.

Anyways, I got it all up and running, and it looks great. I have to say it has the cleanest and best look of any Operating System I have used ever without having to tweak it. With a few tweaks it would make me cry. At any rate, the bundled software is incredible, OoO is incredible and GAIM is your new best friend. It says something when GAIM has been ported to Windows to take on Trillian.

So, give Mandrake 9.1 a try -- even if you are not a computer nerd. You will be surprised how easy it is, how powerful it is, and how happy you will be :)

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Have you tried Mandrake?

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  • Been using Mandrake since 5.0 (when it was little more than Red Hat except for where they changed the installer text.)
    Starting with 6, it started to get going.
    After 6, I started playing with others (Slackware, Caldera, Peanut and some others I can't remember) but I still installed/set up 7 and 8.
    Have not tried 9, but might soon. Considering a dual boot on my old Linux box that's now set up for games and video.
    The one thing that does bug me is the constant begging for money. If you really dig it, buy a cop

Tomorrow's computers some time next month. -- DEC
