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Journal dancle's Journal: Let's talk about poker games

Poker, poker and Why people talk so much about this poker game? Because when you are talking about poker, you are talking about money and using another words : money, money and And also because poker games are played by millions of poker players and is one of the most played game cards in the word.

The events organized abroad , at an International level gather a lot of poker players around the world and once arrived there they are speaking all the same language: poker. How big these events are and what is the prize ? Let me put it this way: millions of $ ! Money makes people moving around them. And it is correct. Why it would not be ?

Let's speak strictly about poker games and something that relate poker. What this cards game? It is easy, very easy: play and win or play and lose ( this happens when you do not know so much about poker games or there is a player better then you ) . The basic idea of this game is that, the poker games
  involve large amounts of money for those who are pro in the poker games also. Do not think that the poker is very simple, but not so complicated if we take into consideration the rules. There are some mandatory skills: discipline, distributive attention, a good knowledge of human psychology for your opponents, math, ...

Although even it seems to be a simple card game for the viewer from the outside, Poker is a complex, difficult and involves different aptitudes. .It seems surprisingly for a beginner but it is well known by any experienced player : playing poker is necessary but not sufficient if you want to win money with poker games. There are lots of other things that should not be lost from sight before sitting down and while you are at the table, the most important of them is bankroll management.

In a free translation, money administration is referring to the decisions which poker player must take on the money that is willing to invest in poker and how wants to do it . If poker is just a way for you to relax, you can play wherever you like , but if you want a profit, it is mandatory to respect at least some basic rules. The amount of money that you have for poker games, it will determine the stakes that you will be playing. There are many rules for this subject which looks easily at first sight but even professional players sometimes break them, but assumes the risk.

No amount is too small to play properly, in terms of bankroll, online poker.

You can offer stakes from one cent, two cents so that even a derisory amount is sufficient. The golden rule of bankroll management is do not ever play with money you can not afford to lose them. This thing can create problems, not only in poker games also in everyday life. The money you must consider your bankroll amount intended to be a particularly poker and you do not plan to use it for anything.

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Let's talk about poker games

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