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Journal wadiwood's Journal: nothing to say

So I really ought to write nothing here. But I can't.

I like only one man especially his John Belushi quip.

Just for interests sake, I think that the longer this war takes and the more casualties no matter how caused, the more people will join the peace rallies. And the angrier the peace rallies will get, especially if the leaders still villify the marchers.

I wonder if Bush will finish the job this time?

Or will his push depend on the opinion polls. I admit I thought, well they've started now, I hope they finish the job properly. Unfortunately things seem to be going sour. I expect Saddam is hiding out in the Museum or most beautiful Mosque in Bagdad, or maybe one of the international hotels that the C of Willies don't want to bomb.

The sourness kind of reminds me of the parents with the screaming baby in the checkout queue

I can tolerate the screaming so long as the parents don't give in to the child and give it the lolly, but if they're going to give in, please do it straight away, not after five minutes of screaming.

On a completely different topic
I relate really well to the Hacker FAQ, it explains a few problems I've been having on my current job. I need to do a lot of thinking without much interference. The interference has stopped pretty much but about once a week or fortnight I get the "if there isn't some output we'll have to sack you" crap. Sword of Damocles. I like some pressure like "when is it going to be finished" but not "we're thinking of sacking you"... Blech.

System going down in 5 minutes.
