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  • ...seems to be out of action. What's the story?
    • Huh?

      They both work for me...

      What do you see?
      • Well, the news link on aagames.co.uk leads to a login prompt, if that's any help.

        Actually, on closer inspection, I now see that you are getting updates to some parts of the site, but not others.

        Oh, and the Bloat page could do without the green text on black background. In fact, maybe you could swap around the designs of the two sites - the Bloat site's design suits a games site, whilst the current aagames design is more suitable for a developer site. Just a thought.
        • Ah yes, that's because I'm in the middle of moving the forum, which powers the news... I need just ONE file which the "main man" has... but that's stopping me :/.

          As for the scheme, we are actually playing around with the idea of allowing skins via CSS/JS... (OK, I lie, we are going to implement it, and have got the code all written...). As for bloat's site...uhh... can't be arsed ATM, to be honest :-P. It's not as if too many people see it anyway ;-).

"I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens." -- Woody Allen
