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Journal lyoz's Journal: Slashdot Poll--some very interesting point of views

19:40 (home)
Was reading through this poll and there were some pretty interesting comments there. I also posted one, but so far noone seem to find it interesting. :)

This dialogue caught my eye.

Unfortunately, the stupidity doesn't seem limited to one side. All along this was a catch-22 for Saddam. U.N.: "You have to give up the weapons." Iraq: "Okay, I suppose you can come in and look around." U.N."We ain't finding much. There's some stuff, though. We'll destory it." U.S.:"Give up all your weapons." Iraq:"Okay." U.N.:"We're going to continue looking for the weapons." U.S.:"Well, we think he's hiding them. Fuck you, U.N. Iraq, Prove they don't exist." Iraq:"Uhh. You can't prove that, can you?" U.S.:"I dunno, prove it anyway." Iraq: "Uhh." U.S.:"Say sir when you say, 'Uhh.'"

GRE still up my ass... For the last couple of days i have been just wasting time. This vocabulary building is fun, coz its really really helping me. I mean even the news on CNN,BBC and funny sitcomes like Friends make more sense when you are familiar with terms like "itinerary, construed, conundrum etc etc"... but its the fine shades of meanings, the connotations, the pronunciating, the subtelity, and to top it all the shortage of time that hurts.. I know i have to prepare for other sections as well... i need to like dedicate half the time to practice.. Man I should work harder.

Why does this stupid test mean so much. I have not felt so much pressure ever before. Like ther were similar test after FSc, and the MoST test as well. But this time its different, i dont know why. The past whole year might have something to do with it.

"To do and wat to do, That is the question" :-)

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Slashdot Poll--some very interesting point of views

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