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Journal planckscale's Journal: Knoppix 3.2 Installation continued...

I went through another round of what's written below, and even though it looked like I chose the same options, somehow it got past the error and appeared to install and copy the OS to the hard drive. I chose to install smail, samba, and all the other servers (except the printer server and LILO) and it said it finished successfully.

It put me back to the shell prompt and I entered: shutdown -h now

The machine shutdown and I booted it up again, this time without the CD.

Knoppix started to boot, but ended in a kernel panic:

EXT3-FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on IDE0(3,1), internal journal

EXT3-fs: recovery complete.

EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.

/linuxrc: /static/pivot_root: not found

Freeing unused kernel memory: 128k freed

Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.

I have little experience troubleshooting kernel panics. My next try is going to be to do a new clean install, this time with a LILO boot loader and exactly twice the MB of installed memory.

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Knoppix 3.2 Installation continued...

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