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Journal lyoz's Journal: War with Iraq

So the war on *terror* continues... its really sickening.. ppl just dont value life enough... its only one life we have to live... then we die, and then it matters not the fuck who we were... What good did it do to Hitler, Gengez Khan, Ceasar, Bonapat, what good does it do to them even if they are *great*... they are not immortal.

Anyways, went to meet Col Zulfiqar today, on Abbu's adjuration(GREEEE teaches word meanings, better master correct usage as well)...The job he mentioned is attractive, atleast financially...but i thinkm they would rather hire an expreinced hand. But, during our colloquy, we talked about book reading and I seemed to had hit some chords there, by mentioning Russel and Duarnt, didnt even tell him about Shaw, and some good novels that I have read... He has done masters in Applied Psycology form PU... so i told him that i have always wanted to study psycology... and he agreed to be my mentor and recommended a book... this is great...

Got mail from husain, he says there are jobs in streaming, and i can get it, and the work is good, man... confusion confusion confusion... LUMS is increasingly looking like a long shot... LGAT will be tough... Its difficult, and I think i have lost some vigour today... no cant do that.. .have to do it good...

And then there is this WAR... why do most ppl fantasize WAR. Why is so important. Why cant we live peacefully, so short our lives, but we have colossial of ambitions, why do we have to be it sucks

"If u want peace, you must prepare for peace"---Russel.
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War with Iraq

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