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Journal msobkow's Journal: My response to Chris Dodd, president of the MPAA, on SOPA and PIPA

Interview with Chris Dodd, Current President of the MPAA

Chris Dodd: [Security issues have] to do with what they call the Domain Name Systems, or DNS systems, and the filtering or blocking of those DNS systems. I think 25 or 30 countries have imposed that. The industry itself has. But in response to the criticism a week or so ago, the two chairs of the committees, respe...ctively, in the Senate and House dropped the DNS provisions of the bill entirely. So it doesnâ(TM)t exist any longer. And even when it was in the bill, it was completely misrepresented as something new that was going to break the Internet. If that was the case, the Internet would have broken a long time ago given that DNS filtering has gone on all over the world for years.

You sir, are comparing DELETING DNS entries to DNS filtering, and it is NOT the same thing at ALL.

The issue with SOPA and PIPA is the heavy-handed decision that the US and the US alone would be able to DELETE DNS entries on nothing more than the say-so of some fucktard with the *AA claiming it was a pirate site.

No charges filed.

No one arrested.

No due process.

No chance to defend yourself.

THAT's the problem with your latest round of abusive legislation to protect your profits, when your profits are down because you produce SHITTY MOVIES LATELY.

I download EVERYTHING that hits the Top 100 Movies on The Pirate Bay, and periodically give a few 10-15 minutes of my time to prove they're worth watching.

I've added a whole FOUR DVD/Blu-Ray movies to my "to buy" list by doing this. Out of HUNDREDS of samples from around the world.

You think I'm going to buy your crap, unpreviewed, with a reputation like that and such horrible odds that I'm even going to want to WATCH the movie? SOPA and PIPA are NOT legislation to implement DNS filtering or blocking by US-based ISPs. It's an attempt to do an end-run around the rights of sovereign foreign nation's rights to force the MPAA and RIAA members to go through the "hassle" of filing charges in the countries that host .torrent and counterfeit product websites by DELETING THE DNS ENTRY COMPLETELY with NO input from the nation involved.

It makes the entire United States of America look bad to allow these bastards to try and lobby their way to such abusive powers.

Man I'm mad at the blatant LIE you've tried to spin, as if a no internet-aware techie would call call you on your bullshit.

If all you want is DNS filtering for US citizens to stop them from accessing certain sites, by all means, have at it. Convince the US government to force ISPs to implement filtering, over the objections of US citizens.

But STOP trying to fuck the world to line your own pockets.


Fuck YOU!

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My response to Chris Dodd, president of the MPAA, on SOPA and PIPA

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