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Journal benad's Journal: The Dark-Green Period

I've coded for about 6 hours straight today for my "Software Engineering Capstone Project", and I wanted to see how good I'll be at writing a journal entry in this kind of "brainless" situation.

So I should get a 10GB iPod for my birthday. Before you say "Are you nuts? Have you read the rumors?", I'll reply that I don't really care. I want the damn iPod, and I'm already paying for half of it (it's a bit to expensive for a birthday gift, anyways).

Oh, and I've just been silently "rejected" by my group of friends, err... "friends", at the university. You know, the team for the project I worked on for over 7 hours today.

Yes, I'm weird, different, and ranging from awfully funny to awfully depressed in the matter of hours (Look, two hints in a row! 2 + 2 = ...). But somehow this is enough to be doomed to a life of solitude. That wouldn't be a big problem if didn't care that much about others (often more then I care about myself), but hey after so many years I start to accept this situation.

I really should taint my hair green. No, not the Mozart-pink, but the Beaudelaire-dark-green. I'm in my dark-green period anyways (after 5 years of the "blue period"; the "dark-green period" started last summer). I'll wait to get a job first anyways: Those HR people seem to be a bit more intolerant than others...

- Benad

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The Dark-Green Period

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Any circuit design must contain at least one part which is obsolete, two parts which are unobtainable, and three parts which are still under development.
