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United States

Journal jgardn's Journal: Finally War!

After more than two years of waiting, we're finally going to see another tower of the enemy bastion fall.

Saddam Hussein has a long history of evil. I'm not talking Dr. Evil Evil, I'm talking Jeffrey Dahmer Evil. I'm talking Evil you can't imagine.

Saddam Hussein celebrated the day thousand of Americans and hundreds of foreign nationals were burned alive or jumped to their deaths. He celebrated because he wanted to see it happen as badly as Osama Bin Laden. He celebrated because years of his own hard work had gone into this.

The "Axis of Evil" is falling. As long as Bush ignores the French (motto: "Who painted our white flag red and blue?") and other idiots who don't have the best interested of America and the rest of the world in mind, and as long as Bush continues to fight the fight, despite the hate-America democrats and hate-America socialists that we allow to live in our country, we will be free.

One day, South Korea and North Korea will be united under a banner of freedom. China and Russia will finally give up plans for becoming a superpower, based on repression. The Middle East will become a hotbed of capitalism and democracy, One day, we will be able to get rid of the Terror Alert system. We will be able to go out and live our lives without worry of Los Angelos being burned with nuclear fire, and without worry of New York being destroyed with biological weapons.

We will be free again. The world will be free -- many for the first time. Who will we thank for it? Who will they thank for it?

Ten, twenty, years from now, we will look back, and declare President George W. Bush one of the great presidents. He will enjoy a status enjoyed only by the memories of Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan. We will have a "Freedom Day", synonymous with "George W. Bush Day", where we will celebrate by thanking God and our ancestors for the freedom we enjoy.

Those people who are putting their lives on the line, who are leaving their families behind, not knowing if their families will ever see them again, or if they do see them, if they will still be as healthy as they were when they left, those people are the heroes as well. They answered the call of freedom. They will be able to tell their children, "I fought for the right. I guaranteed your freedom. I guaranteed some Iraqi child's freedom. Today, they are happy, because of me."

Now, the question all you America-haters (and I DO question your patriotism, you snivelling unthankful idiots) will have to answer: Where were you when Bush beat the war drums? Where were you when the line was drawn between the good guys and the bad guys?

Your children will come to you one evening. They are going to say, "Mommy, daddy, when Bush brought freedom to the Middle Easy, were you one of those people who held up the 'Support Our Troops' signs?"

You know what you will say? You won't say anything. You won't dare let your kids know that you didn't support the troops. You won't dare let your kids know that you supported an evil dictator that committed crimes far worse than anything you imagined. You'll probably lie and tell them that you did support the troops. But deep inside, you know you were wrong. You will have that cankerous black sore on your heart that will plague you forever.

Yes, war is horrible. But it is the best option. It is the only option for us. And we are doing the right thing. And we will always be remembered for doing the right thing when it wasn't the easy thing.

If you are for the war, express your support.

If you are opposed, go ahead and post your anti-freedom, anti-Bush, pro-evil statements below. I always find your comments amusing, because they make absolutely no sense, yet you seem to believe them as if they are scripture codified by some God who you deny the existence of.

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Finally War!

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