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Journal Shorespirit's Journal: popkultur

I started reading Dune after having it recommended by a role-playing friend. a lot of vile political intrigue. the blend of bedouin - actually more Tamasheq - culture (plus miscenallious biblical quotations and Hebrew words) with interplanetary colonization I found pleasantly exotic, though it must be lost on most readers. science fiction is really the mirror image of historical fiction. and violent messianic cults are great, just as long as they're safely in the remote past...

I want to be a planetologist when I grow up.

after scorching marshmallows over gas and looking around at some leaky insulation at the yummy mansion of some friends-of-friends in west LA, I tagged along to see the Harry Potter movie (part 1). everyone I knew who'd seen it said good things about it, which raised my expectations high; I found the plot thin and not sunspenseful. the Hogwarts houses rather reminded me of the dorms here though.

I'd figured our rainy season to've passed, but we had a whole bunch more rain. I'm reading up on ivy growing - it might be a good time to try turning some to climb on the porch.

looks like war, which is scary. here's Kurt Vonnegut again.

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