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Journal Xaoswolf's Journal: Perhaps a little background 6

As you all may have seen, I was recently contacted by a certain someone that I would rather never had heard from again.

It started my junior year of highschool, I was riding back from some band function on the bus, I met this girl who at the time seemed rather cool. Next thing I know we are dating. She was a few years younger than I, and at the time, I didn't even know her name. This is a rather normal thing on a band bus, just in case you weren't in the band.

For the first couple of weeks if was rather fun. Like I said, she was pretty cool. It didn't become apparent to me that she had somesevere mental problems until after we had been going out for a while.

She called me one day after school and started yelling at me for something stupid. I think I was talking to a girl in the hall. We broke up because I have friends that are female. Then the next day in school, she runs back and apologizes to me and we are going back out again.

In about a week, we break up again. I think because I didn't tell her I was playing paintball. Mind you at the time, I played paintball every weekend, normally sunday morning. She acted like this was something new, even though I had been doing so since even before we started going out, and she knew that I always played. The next day in school, we are going back out again.

After these break ups got boring, she started to let me know how fucked up her home life is. I'm not going to go into details here, simply because i don't know how much is true and how much she just made up.

She would mix these suicide calls up with calls telling me that she kissed a friends at a party, or that she was fantasizing about someone else.

Now, I'm starting to get a little annoyed with the whole thing, and I think she realized that, so she would start using a new tactic to keep me around. Suicide. Yup, you can't beat that call at midnight from a girlfriend who is going to kill herself because you love someone else. Mind you, I didn't love someone else, but that didn't stop her from claiming so.

Basicly everyother week, she would pull the name of one of my female freinds out of a hat, claim that I love them instead of her, and call me while rattling a bottle of pills or playing with razors.

About now, the only reason that I'm going out with her is because I didn't want her to kill herself. Looking back, I don't know if it was all for show or if it was for real, but at the time, I believed her.

Finally I decided that for my own mental health I needed out of the relationship. She broke up with me because I went to see Godzilla with some friends. The next day, as usual, she calls me and acts like it's all ok and wants to know if I want to go to the mall with her. I tell her no, that we broke up, and we aren't getting back together. She blows up on me, yelling and screaming. I hang up, she calls back, I hang up again. Later that night, I get a call from her, saying that she downed a bunch of sleeping pills. Great, I think, just what I need. We already know that she lived, she took it as a sign from god that she should get on with her life.

She didn't though, about a month later, she comes into the caffeteria where I am eating lunch and yells at the girl beside me, who used to be her best friend, and says that "If she wants to keep fucking me behind her back then she is free to do so" or something like that. Her friends gets really angry and begins yelling. Mind you, we were just freinds, and there was never any kind of relationship.

My ex continued to do this with every girl that I ever talked to. Then she started spreading rumors. Telling people that we went farther than we did, telling people that I am doing things with other people, including I believe some rumors about male friends of mine.

And speaking about male friends of mine, she went around and asked several of them out. I warned my friends she was a psycho, but said, if you realy want to, I can't stop you. She would call me after every date and tell me how things went.

Finally, my friends decided that yes she was indeed psycho and she nolonger had that option. She was left with the rumors, which I ignored or put down when confronted with.

It was rather silent for a while, at least until the hype for the senior prom came up. She calls me as askes me if we were still going. After all, I told her we were going to go, when we were dating. I reply no, we are not going to the prom together, and quite frankly would not go anywhere together. Those were the first words that I spoke to her in about 6 or 7 months. I wind up going to the prom with another crazy girl, but that's a topic for another journal.

In the end, she about trippled her size, became a raving lesbian, got rejected by the college that she wanted to go to, became straight agian, and I haven't talked to her since that phone call before the prom.

It's refreshing to know that I can really stick to my guns by not letting my loathing of her diminish over the years.

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Perhaps a little background

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  • Reading that made me feel like I wasn't the only one in the world who dated a chick like that. Mine lasted several years of constant break-ups and her being sure I was seeing others, fantasising about outhers, looking at others, or just generally being around females. It was kinda funny (now at least) how in the end she was the one who cheated on me and she was the one who was going after all these guys.

    It was like, the times she accused me of doing those things were really the times she was doing it her
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I've always wondered if there were other psycho girlfriends out there, and no offense, but you have defined how my ex was in the past. Holycrap...

    Maybe those Sunday mornings you shoulda dragged her out and shot her a few times :). lol Do you still play paintball now? I've always wondered if there were any slashdotters out there that enjoyed a nice game of speedball. What 'gun do ya own?
    • I haven't played in a while, though I did get an note about some friends playing someitme soon.

      Speedball was also my favorite game, but nobody else was willing to play. They were all, "But it hurts too much" Bah, pansies.

      As for the gun, don't laugh now, was a stingray II. Yes it's a brasseagle, yes it was a peice of crap, but damnit, it was what I could afford. It doesn't really work now though, so I rent whatever the feilds have normally.

      • Speedball was also my favorite game, but nobody else was willing to play. They were all, "But it hurts too much" Bah, pansies.

        My non-hardcore paintball friends always said it cost too much cuz of all the ammo we kept shooting. But MAN... nothing gives ya the adrenaline than several hundred paintballs screaming while yer dodging and shooting back! :) WOO...

        The main paintball crew that I used to go out with always respected people who owned their own stuff. Didn't matter what kind. 'Cept for the ones

        • We seem to get together maybe once a year.

          Since Mark moved to Myrtle Beach, Brad to Bradford, Josh and the other brad to Wooster, and me to Philly, that doesn't leave a whole heck of a lot of the main crew back home.

          But like I said, about once a year we get together and go to hamburgher Hill and play a few games.

          Speaking of Hamburgher Hill and Speedball, John, the owner, cut a maze into one of his fields. You don't know fun until you round a corner of thick brush and thorns only to find an opponent staring

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