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Journal wadiwood's Journal: moderation for early birds

I have noticed that if I write early on a forum, ie within the first 10 of score 1 posts, I have a good chance of being mod'd high unless I post what I think of going to war against iraq in which case I get 0 for off topic, even if it was on topic to what I replied to (that may have also been off topic).

However if I am late and there are already several hundred posts with a score 1 or higher. I've got bugger all chance of a mod, but a reasonable one of a reply. Cute. Learnt today that the default fdisk that comes with win98se will not correctly recognise an 80 Gig drive. It said I had 10 gig. Hmm. Apparently its going to say I have size - 64gig ie around 10 gig. Downloaded the fix q263044 filled out their survey and asked them what the hell their little exe does (fortunately ref on hotfixes general page was more informative).

BTW I am going dual boot, 10 gig or so for win98 so I can still run my scanner, and the rest for FreeBSD - whee!

6 Curses = 1 Hexahex
